Yesterday was the greatest living filmmaker, Christopher Nolan’s 48th birthday. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to rank his 10 best movies. Let’s roll!

primary_follow2-thumb-510x384-22950.jpg10. Following

Nolan’s directorial debut had a very low budget and was as small scale as you can get. It is certainly worth a watch, but with the blockbusters on this list, it falls at the bottom.

robin_williams_al_pacino.jpg09. Insomnia

With an all star cast like this one, you would have expected to hear about this one all the time. While that’s not the case, the movie doesn’t necessarily get the praise it deserves. This is the only Nolan film that he was not a part of the writing.

dunkirk.png08. Dunkirk

It blows my mind how I could put this so low on any list. Dunkirk was released in 70mm and utilized it in every way possible. The sound was incredible and the visuals were things never seen before (as is Nolan’s trademark, at this point).

batman-begins-facts1.jpg07. Batman Begins

All 3 Batman movies were going to be sequential on this list. Over the years I have flipped back and forth over my ranking of these films (most times avoiding the decision and ranking them as a single movie). Batman Begins probably has the least replay value out of the 3, so here it lies.

dark kkight.jpg06. The Dark Knight

I have seen this film countless times. There are few flaws present. This movie re-defined what a superhero blockbuster could be.

Christian-Bale-and-Tom-Hardy-in-The-Dark-Knight-Rises.jpg05. The Dark Knight Rises

The perfect ending to a perfect story.

interstellar3-1200x750.jpg04. Interstellar

A time and universe sprawling sci-fi epic. There are very few times in a theater that I have been as blown away as I was when seeing Interstellar. The visuals are something to marvel at, but the message in this one is what sticks with you.

Inception-leonardo-dicaprio.jpg03. Inception

This should be #1. One of the best films ever made, without question.

the-prestige-movie-still-1.jpg02. The Prestige

This should be #1. One of the best films ever made, without question.

Memento_Blog1.jpg01. Memento

This should probably be #3. It will always be one of top few films of all time for me. This was my introduction to Christopher Nolan. It opened my mind to many different things, but mainly took me from a movie lover to a full fledged cinephile. Memento, you have earned this spot.

What do you think of these rankings? What are your favorite Christopher Nolan movies? Drop a comment below and head over to our Facebook Community for more discussion!